101 Uses For Baking Powder

Shop tarte at Sephora: Allow translucent powder to sit on skin for 5 to 10 minutes, so that body heat can set foundation. Aug 24, 2017 To make baking powder with citric acid you'll use a smaller amount of citric acid than baking soda. In a small bowl, mix: 1 tsp baking soda and 1/2 tsp of citric acid. This yields 1.5 tsp of homemade baking powder.

Benefits of Baking Soda

The baking soda is well known stuff which works for many purposes. Its helpful for numerous reasons while using it. The baking soda uses can provide many benefits in life. It plays many other roles to prevent from many issues faced in daily life. With just normal usage of baking soda benefits in with proper measurement can be much helpful in providing you relief from various skins issues and as well as inner body problems only if used in correct manner.

How much baking soda can protect your health with its versatile roles in daily life. Or is baking soda bad for you and for this sort of reasons i will be discussing all its benefits and some effects in this topic which you need to read out carefully.

What is Baking Soda

Its mostly known as used form baked-goods. And a chemical compound changes made which called sodium bicarbonate which can be found in the form of crystalline by nature. This sort of chemical reaction can be made to usable powder for different cooking usage. The formation can be observe easily at certain point
which takes place to become a powder.

Benefits Of Baking Soda

The baking soda is very powerful and helpful for many tasks. It can deliver many helps in day to day usages like simple mouthwash/brushing teeth/prevents from sunburns/protects from itching skins problems/helpful for chronic-kidney diseases/keeps fridge odors in neutralize positions/improves from cancer issues/weed killer/shoe smell remover like as deodorant.

Besides all this the baking soda benefits can be used as multi-purpose cleaner in various works for cleaning home rooms and also while washing clothes to remove stains is helpful.

Baking Soda For Skin

As you know that baking soda always beneficial for face and now I will explain you how much baking soda benefits for skin. The scrub of baking soda can helps to moisture your skin. When you use the scrub and it will perfectly dry on your skin then you need to moisturize the skin.

What you need to do is? Take a bowl and 1 table spoon baking soda and water minimum 1 – 1.5 tea spoons. Baking soda with coconut oil can helps to reduce your rashes because coconut oil has gentle anti- inflammatory and anti- bacterial which will helps to calm your skin.

Read More-Basil Benefits For Pimples

Baking Soda Benefits For Face

Baking soda helps to reduce acne. You can use 1 tea spoon baking soda with 1 tea spoon water and use this on your acne after 2 minutes wash and see the differences. Baking soda benefits also reduces your fade and lightens scars and it helps to remove skin tone.

For that you need to mix 1 tea spoon baking soda and lemon juice and use the mixer on your spots. Baking soda always prevents your sealed and pores clean. Also Baking soda beauty uses is very beneficial. You can get baking soda beauty uses for your face looked more beautiful.

Lips! Lips have a major part of your face and baking soda comes with more benefits for dark lips. For this use daily 1 tea spoon honey and 1 tea spoon baking soda benefits on your lip and rub the mixture minimum 2 or 3 minutes. After few minutes you can feel to touch your lip is too much soft and the lip’s color also changed.

Baking Soda For Hair

You can use baking soda as a hair facial mix with some boiling water. You can create your own scrub that will protect your hair falling problem and helps to growth hair. Just mix 3 cups water, 20 drops castor oil, and 1 cup baking soda in a bowl. Now mix all of this and apply on your hair and after 5 minutes wash the scrub. You can directly use baking soda on your hair without any mixer.

Baking Soda For Body Odor

Baking soda also uses for body odor but how to ready baking soda benefits to remove body odor. Now I will suggest you a paste which will act like a deodorant to kill bacteria on the body and here I will provide the baking soda uses for body odor.


Baking soda – 1 table spoon.

Lemon juice – Lemon juice.


  • Start to mix the baking soda and lemon juice.
  • Mix until when you can’t smooth.
  • Apply the mixture on your body part.
  • Now wait 15 to 20 minutes when it will dry on your body.
  • Wash the paste with cold water.

Baking Soda For Nail Fungus

Hopefully you know that the vinegar kill all the fungus and the baking soda helps to prevent re – forming and growing. Now I can tell you how to use baking soda for nails fungus. Below is the process which you need to read carefully.


  • Water (as require).
  • 1 cup of white vinegar.
  • 4 to 5 table spoon soda.
  • Paper towels.
  • 1 big bucket, which is enough to set your feet.


  • Fill the half bucket with water and add some of quantity vinegar.
  • Put your feet on the bucket water around for 15 minutes.
  • Now dry your feet with paper towels.
  • Pull on your feet a new bucket and add baking soda, wait around another 15 minutes.
  • Now again dry feet with paper towels.
  • Wash your feet with fresh water.

Baking Soda For Teeth Whitening

The baking soda is famous for using as for remedy at homes. Its sufficient and helpful for cleaning teeth gum problems. This comes in work for cleaning teeth to make visible white at less time with its chemical compound nature as it contains. Can be usable with your daily tooth paste to whiten your teeth which will remove the plaque when using with or without your toothpaste.

What it mainly does? It removes all the stains entirely from your teeth where the molecules remains as stains. And as of because your teeth seems harmful containing properties of anti-microbial. Studies proven that using baking soda with toothpaste can help you to get white teeth with proper usage.

Baking Soda Cancer

Cancer is the second most reason behind the death rates in many cases. It curable but when only taken precaution at less time. This causes many complications in life’s to live with. Although its leading also in the whole world as most causeable death reason in today’s era.

The baking soda is preventive in using for cancer treatments. It works like chemotherapy with certain treatments which can slower the raising of cancer cells in body. As you might know that cancer when happens then it grows in very fast rapid way which ultimately leads to death.

In such case if baking soda is used than it does perform a good role by helping the chemotherapy medicines to work in more efficiently as observed form research.

Household Uses For Baking Soda

Baking Soda For Sunburn

Baking soda helps to prevents from sunburn which cause itching. This can be seriously dangerous for the skin as due to many other problems can also be raise. May make you uneasy and unwillingly feel to itch on skin or it may be on other private parts of the body.

Household Uses For Baking Powder

The baking soda benefits is very much effective on preventing from itching on skins for various reasons as mentioned here. You can use the baking soda bath to get relief with a little bit warm water by mixing in it. All you need to do is just add 1 or 2 cups of baking-soda with water and wash the affected area where the skin is affected.

Is Bicarbonate Of Soda The Same As Baking Soda

Yes its true that the bicarbonate which occurs from are the same stuffs for the same-things. Both are same as the leavener agents which are not inter-changeable. It happens as due to most preference of the bicarbonate of soda in Australia and the American’s refers the thing as the baking soda.

How Much Baking Soda Is Safe To Drink

Baking powder uses for drinking can help you to neutralize the acid occurred in stomach. Although its safe but can be painful if are suffering from acid-reflux. Drinking baking soda with dissolved in water can provide much relief to neutralize the hydro-chloric acid and pain for heart burning issue for eliminating it.

Drinking Baking Soda For Weight Loss

101 Uses For Baking Powder Besides Baking

As its helpful and preventive in providing relief from acids occurs in stomach due to indigestion. In somewhat its rumoured that it also looses the weight in some manner. Well infactly does not mean to lower your body calories but does without no such effect leaving on body. Loosing fats on body can be used by drinking the baking soda as it contains bicarbonate of soda in it.

Difference Between the Baking Soda And Baking Powder

There’s no such difference in between the baking soda and the baking powder. The both things are the same stuff only has the different names according different places as in their names. In Australian country the stuff known as the bicarbonate of soda with its preference by the people and whereas the baking powder in referred in American countries which is appreciable.

Baking Soda Side Effects

While alongside the benefits there’s also some side effects of baking soda. The most often effects occurs by baking soda is can be gas or bloating in the form tablets. A large amounts of drinking baking soda dangers to life in most aspects so don’t take overdose of it without unnecessary usage.

There can be more complications or some more even dangerous problems which you never imagined as seizure/containing sodium in high levels of blood/ankles or feet can swelled/heart-failer/pH increasement in body.

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Baking powder is extremely low in carbohydrates, with only 1.3 grams per tablespoon of total carbohydrates, zero fat and only a little over 2 calories. The worst part about it, though, is the high sodium or salt content which can be close to 500 mg per tablespoon.

Whether you have diabetes or are out of the traditional baking powder, you may want to consider substituting baking powder due to its high salt content.

The question, however, is: what can you substitute it with so that your baked goods will still rise properly and also have the desired texture? The good news is that there are many options or even better, you can make your own.

What is baking powder and what does it do?

Baking powder is used in baking goods to help them rise properly. Without it or a substitute for it, your bread and other baked goods will be flat, without the presence of the light and fluffy texture which is the hallmark of baking.

Baking powder has sodium bicarbonate in it, which is a “base,” as opposed to an “acid.” It’s mixed with an acid, such as cornstarch or cream of tartar to counteract it.

When baking, it gets combined with water and the cream of tartar or the cornstarch in it gets together for a chemical reaction. This process forms and releases carbon dioxide. That’s where you get bubbles in the baked good, which cause it to rise, giving the light texture. 1

Baking soda, then, can’t be used to replace baking power, because it doesn’t have the “acid” component (cream of tartar or corn starch) to cause the baked goods to rise appropriately. In recipes, you will notice that you will mix the baking powder into the flour and other ingredients, adding the liquid at the end. This is to ensure the process of rising at the proper time. 2

There are two different types of backing powder

  • Single acting (one acid component) – this is used to bake right away due to the quick reaction once liquid is added and is mostly used in commercial bakeries and restaurants
  • Double acting (two acid components) – slower acting, for slower rising of baked goods and mostly for home use

Alternatives to baking powder

There are many different alternatives that you can use in place of baking powder in baked goods. If you don’t want all the salt because you are watching your blood pressure, try one of the healthier option below.

I recommend reading the following articles:


Buttermilk is fermented. It has a sour taste similar to yogurt and is made when cream is churned. Bacteria is added when it’s manufactured commercially, which allows the product to ferment. Fermenting the cream turns it from mostly sugar to an acid.

You can get your baked goods to rise by using buttermilk mixed with baking soda. For any recipes, you will want to add a half cup of buttermilk and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda to your mixture. This will be a great and equal substitute to one teaspoon of baking powder.

You will have to reconsider the amount of the other liquids called in your recipe. If you were to use a cup of milk in the recipe, reduce that amount by half, to one half cup of liquid.

Plain yogurt

Plain Greek yogurt can also be used to substitute baking powder in your baked goods. It is similarly manufactured as the buttermilk where a fermentation process is used to turn it to an acid. The sugars get broken down which increases the release of lactic acid. 5


You will want to use the plain variety, as flavored varieties can move the pH of the mixture to a more “basic” level. You can use plain yogurt in your baked goods by swapping out one teaspoon of baking powder with one quarter teaspoon of baking soda and one half cup of yogurt.

You will also want to account for any extra liquids in your recipe by reducing them by the amount of yogurt (one half cup).

Sour milk

This may sound strange, but you can use soured milk in your recipes in the place of baking powder. Why? Because soured milk already contains the bacteria in it that turns it to an acid chemically.

You will get the same rising ability in baked goods as you would with baking powder. Again, reduce the amount of liquids in the recipe like you would do when substituting buttermilk or plain yogurt.

It’s still a half cup of sour milk that you will use to substitute for one teaspoon of baking powder, plus a fourth or quarter teaspoon of baking soda.


A thick, syrupy natural sweetener, molasses is an old-timer baking secret for sweetening cakes, cookies, breads and other baked goods. It’s also good for using when you’re out of baking powder, or when your doctor doesn’t want you to have all the sodium or salt. If you have diabetes, you need to account for the carbohydrates in molasses. It is sugar, after all.

When added to baking soda, molasses combines to chemically form an acid. For baking, put in about a fourth or quarter cup of molasses along with a fourth or quarter teaspoon of baking soda. That will replace one teaspoon of your baking powder.

It’s a liquid sugar, so adjust the amount of liquids that your recipe calls for.

Cream of tartar

Another acidic ingredient, cream of tartar is a powdery white substance that occurs after wine has been made. It’s used in other baking techniques, such as making meringue to keep the egg whites fluffy.

You can use it as a substitute for your baking needs when you don’t have baking powder, by using twice as much cream of tartar to baking soda. Replace one teaspoon of baking powder with one quarter or one fourth baking soda and a half teaspoon of cream of tartar.

Lemon juice

Another acidy option is lemon juice. It will help to start off the rising process in your baked goods.


Lemons are strong in taste and flavor due to the citric acid in them. If you want to use it in recipes, then use it in those that only call for a little bit of baking powder. For no more than one teaspoon of baking powder, substitute one quarter or one fourth teaspoon lemon juice plus a half teaspoon of baking soda.

Cleaning Uses For Baking Soda

If you don’t like the strong taste it gives your baked goods, try one of our other options here.


101 Uses For Baking Powder

Vinegar is by nature an acid, so you can use it as a substitute for baking powder. If used in small amounts, you won’t notice the taste of it in your baking.

It will help cookies, cakes and breads rise if you use the white variety of vinegar, and not the apple cider kind. The white vinegar is clear, and apple cider vinegar is yellowish brown, so be sure to get the white kind. Apple cider vinegar gives too strong of a taste for use in baking.

What Is Baking Soda Good For

Use one quarter or fourth teaspoon of baking soda mixed with one half teaspoon of white vinegar to replace one teaspoon of baking powder.

Club soda

Club soda has sodium bicarbonate in it. It’s liquid baking soda, which is why it’s fine to use for baking as well.

Some restaurants use club soda to make fluffy baked goods, and you can too. You will need to use club soda a little differently in your recipes. Replace any liquids in your recipes with it and see how fluffy it makes your baked goods.

When you replace milk in a recipe with club soda, you also replace carbohydrates and calories in milk with zero carbohydrates and calories of the club soda. This would be a good substitute for someone with diabetes, or for someone who is lactose intolerant or watching their calories and fats.

Egg whites (whipped)

What is baking soda good for

Egg whites are another great substitute for baking powder in your recipes. It’s a bakery secret that egg whites can replace baking powder for increased fluffiness and light texture.

Beating eggs helps to form air that increases the rising of the baked goods. My mother used to use this in her French cooking techniques when she made soufflés and they would pop right up in the oven.

For meringues and recipes, they require lower fat ingredients (angel food cake) which you will find in whipped egg whites as one of the ingredients. You will want to whip your egg whites with a whisk or blender, until they start to get bubbles and look fluffy.

Whipped egg whites will be included in the recipe instead of baking powder, so you won’t need to worry about how to substitute it. There won’t be baking powder in these recipes, as egg whites serve the same purpose for making baked goods fluffy and light.

Are the alternatives healthier than the actual baking powder?

How To Clean With Baking Soda

Which one of these choices would be the ultimate substitute for you? If you want your baked goods sweet, try molasses. If you want your bread to taste like sourdough, try vinegar. If you’re watching your calories, carbohydrates or are lactose intolerant, try club soda.

For those with diabetes, club soda and vinegar could also be a good choice, due to no sugar or carbohydrates in it. On an American Diabetes Association diet, you can just count in the carbohydrates from the molasses if you use that, but you will have to cut out some of the carbohydrates from something else.

Further reading:

Take home for baking powder

101 Uses For Baking Powder Water

Baking powder or a substitute is essential to use in baked goods if you want them to rise. Any of these substitutes will work for you when you want to stray away from traditional baking powder either for health reasons or if you are being adventurous. Try a few at home, and let us know how it went in the comments section below. Were there certain substitutions that you liked, or didn’t like? Do you have a secret alternative that we missed? Let us know in the comments box.Always check the labels for baking powder if you do go with that. 1,2

TheDiabetesCouncil Article | Reviewed by Dr. Sergii Vasyliuk MD on May 28, 2020
